It is considered to be one of the best preserved temples of ancient times. The temple, which was unearthed in the light of the scientific excavations carried out between 1906-1913, was partially erected again. The architectural elements that have lost their pure qualification and a protective wall surrounding the temple area, were also built during the first excavations. Due to the double column row that surrounds the temple from the outside, it presents the dipteral plan type. The only non-canonical single element is the open-top courtyard extending inside, with no stone cladding on the floor. There was ‘naiskos’ in the courtyard, the holy water supply and a small temple, whose central point so far have not been precisely located. The extraordinary situation of the temple is based on this special function that it carries as a prophecy center. The construction of the structure started in BC 453 and it can be seen today but it was never completed. The pioneer temple of the 6th century BC became famous in that period. It was destroyed by the Persians in the early 5th century BC. The foundations that are still visible today in the atrium displays the remains of the early temple. The naiskos of the Hellenistic period, located in the atrium, was removed and instead a Christian basilica was built, and the basilica was destroyed after an earthquake just like the temple.
Medusa is the only mortal of three sisters called Gorgons. In Greek Mythology, the gorgons is the name given to three sisters Sihenno, Euryale and Medussa, commonly represented as having snakes for hair wings, brazen claws, and eyes that turned anyone looking into them to stone. The name “Gorgo” is derived from the Greek word “Gorgos” and it means “terrifying”. Since the three sisters, especially Medusa, had the power of turning things into stone, Greek people carved her head into their shields, objects that they wanted to protect, buildings and temples.
Bafa Lake near Didim, and its surroundings are important bird watching areas of Turkey. Karina, Kazıklı Cove, Menderes Delta and Dilek Peninsula National Park are other heavenly areas worth seeing.